At least 30 answers to 30 days of prayer.......

Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or HIM BE GLORY......Ephesians 3:20-21
1. We truly believe God is being glorified through this. If through nothing more than your prayers, but we know so much more.
And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. Revelation 5:8
2. Cullan never seemed anxious over the weeks preceding surgery, he seemed to be filled with a peace that passes all understanding....
3. God kept all of us healthy and well...that is a miracle in itself in a family of 6 with 5 germy boys! :)
4. We could not have asked for Cullan's brothers to have handled the entire situation better than they did....more peace.
5. Our family's witness...You know Lord.
6. Cullan's surgical team said they were amazed how smoothly everything went. Better than expected! Thank You Lord. It's all YOU!
7. Cullan's Doctor-Cullan was his first case...he was in the zone ready to go! Thank you Lord for all the ways you prepared this man for this day. The skills you gave him, his talent, ability and drive to be the best at what he does. It comes from you. Thank you for giving us a skilled surgeon who knows You.
8 & 9. Cullan's nursing staff-AMAZING! He got the best nurses anywhere. All were loving, gentle and kind to our whole family!
10. Infection-this is one we are still believing God and asking Him to far so good...
11. 12. & 13. Blood transfusions---these were all answered above all that we asked or thought...Cullan never needed blood. Unheard of....he was definitely supposed to have at least 2 pediatric units...He needed blood products for 3 days after his last procedure.
14. His pain tolerance was most certainly a gift from God. The nurses would have him choose on a scale of 1-10 with happy faces or faces with tears. He always picked the second one which was a half smile, showing he only hurt a little bit. Can you imagine? God can.
15. Swelling-We kept waiting and waiting for swelling. He swelled a little, one nurse kept saying by morning his eyes will be swollen shut-never happened! His doctor said he just couldn't believe how quickly he was recovering.....:)
16. Cullan woke from surgery perfectly peaceful, no crazy effects to anesthesia. We were surrounded by children not so peaceful in the recovery room, and Cullan never cried or seemed anxious.
17. The bone harvesting was done from the rib-there were no complications.
18. His rib incision is healing nicely.
19. Cullan's appetite and functions returned quickly. He was ordering grilled cheeses and chocolate milkshakes for breakfast!
20. His gastro system tolerated things well-he was only sick one time.
21. His peace filled our home......
22. O.R.--His team said there were no surprises and things went better than expected. I would say the Holy Spirit was definitely present and powerful there.
23. Thank you Lord for holding Cullan through this.
24. Mom & Dad-we endured. We are still enduring.
25. We sensed God's amazing hedge of protection through this time and made a point to focus on HIM.
26. Anesthesia had no problems getting Cullan's lines or monitoring him.
27. Cullan did awesome with his anesthesia (his strawberry air......).
28. Again, his procedure went amazingly quick-we were prepared to be there all day. He was finished in the minimum time that was expected. Thank you Lord.
29. Cullan was certainly a trooper going back for his procedure. He wanted us to go with him, but he was so brave. God gave him special courage and strength and tenderhearted physicians to scoop him up and carry him where Momma and Daddy could not.
30. Pre-op was a breeze, only a few tears in anticipation of the needle stick, but after that he let us know "It didn't even hurt!".
Days 31 and counting.........God has been faithful to us in so so so many ways, the list could go on and on. We praise Him for doing more than we even knew to ask for, we praise Him for you---the faithful who interceeded for us so many days. We praise Him for Godly friends who lifted us up at all hours, for family who re-arranged their lives and so much more. May all who come behind us, find us faithful to Him.
We love You God. Get glory from us.

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